Become our Retailer
Unlock new possibilities for your business! Explore the benefits of partnering with us. Join our network of retailers to gain access to exclusive products, support, and collaboration opportunities. Elevate your retail experience with us today!
Retailer Form
Complete the form below to apply as a retailer and join our network! As a retailer, you’ll have the opportunity to offer our high-quality products to your customers while benefiting from our competitive pricing and support. Please provide all required information accurately to ensure a smooth application process. We look forward to partnering with you to bring joy and satisfaction to customers through our products.
*To further review your application, we kindly request that you email a copy of your company’s Reseller Permit to our sales team at Please attach the document in your email so we can proceed with the evaluation process.
Phone: (800) 781 - 3067
Address: 10415 8th St, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
We believe life is an occasion, and every day there’s something to celebrate.
We’re here to add that little extra to the ordinary and help you create more JOYIN® life.
We make
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